Recovery Coach Ethics - Online

Ethical Considerations for Canadian Recovery Coaches Few professions draw more on one’s internal ethical resources than that of a recovery coach. Our care for our clients often feels like it conflicts with the care they are given elsewhere. We are constantly calling on our intuition to know the next right


September 13, 2024


September 14, 2024

Ethical Considerations for Canadian Recovery Coaches

Few professions draw more on one’s internal ethical resources than that of a recovery coach.

Our care for our clients often feels like it conflicts with the care they are given elsewhere. We are constantly calling on our intuition to know the next right step.

Modelling what we coach can be a challenge, but it’s so important for the coach/coachee relationship.

In this course, we will explore some of the more common challenges we may face.

Most of us have common-sense ethical understanding, but what about when our coaching craft draws us into a grey area? What critical aspects are most important that we consider?

In this course, we will examine several scenarios designed to cultivate that inner wisdom.

Some of the things we will learn, include:

  • Understand what ethics are and why ethics are so important when performing Recovery Coach Services

  • Learn how to stay in your lane as a recovery coach

  • Boundary management

  • Understand and practice core values and ethical conduct

  • Describe and model the decision-making process

  • Define and exemplify wants versus needs

  • Develop guidelines for making ethical decisions

  • Apply the new learning to your everyday work as a recovery coach

This Curriculum is NAADAC approved

This course content is approved by the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors #195293

Register today. If you require any additional assistance with registration feel free to reach out to us.