Recovery Community Essentials

E-Learning Program


The Essentials series contains seven self-study eLearning courses that introduce you to core concepts related to recovery-oriented systems of care, or ROSC. Ideal for any Recovery Community member, this series will provide an introduction to the recovery community model and Its essential principles.  Individuals and teams will gain a common language to use, some practical strategies they can apply in their community, and evolve an appreciation for the ROSC approach through personal stories of recovery staff and members.

Recovery Foundations Series

Video-Based Learning


The Foundations video-based learning series delivers authoritative insights on ten core recovery topics from internationally recognized subject matter experts. To bring you the most current research on recovery, program host Carson McPherson journeys across three countries and four cities to interview top experts on topics such as Trauma-informed Care, Addiction and the Brain, and The Journey of Recovery. Each interview forms the anchor for a 1.5-hour course that is relevant and grounded in the latest theory and best practices. The Foundations courses connect people and ideas through discussion forums, and are supported by references in a reflective workbook that helps you translate theory into practice. The series builds a foundation for effective, recovery-oriented care and support systems, essential for long-term success in the field of addiction recovery.